New Year, New Eyebrows

2017 has been a strange year. I am a creature of habit, and for the past 16 years I have always had something to do after January, originally it would be going back to school, then after school it was going back to university.

I should probably mention that I have had a wine, it was only one but it may of well been three because my grandmother’s wine glasses are the size of a small swimming pool. Off I go with my spiel now.

2017 has been the first year where I haven’t had anything to go to, and as an anxious little possum as is, this has definitely tipped me over the edge.

This year has completely thrown me out of my comfort zone, and I’m still undecided on if I like it, or if it will end in me crying in bed with chocolate and wine for a week, like the first week of university.

In the first week of 2017, my nearly three-year relationship ended, leaving me without the only familiar thing I had going in to the new year.

But it was for the best, my relationship wasn’t normal and it took me a few weeks, a new guy, and my forever patient friends to realise this. 2017 has definitely been a year of firsts!

It’s been the first year not having something to go back to, it has been the first year with a new guy since 2014, and it’s been the first year I got a tattoo. It is also going to be the year I graduate, hopefully leave the country for the first time, and the year my best friend gets married.

I feel weird, and not like myself. Or maybe I was in such a daze I just didn’t know what was normal for me anymore. Or maybe its the wine. It’s like the time I went on the jab for all of about 5 minutes, but had to go off it because I was suddenly Shrek and a bridezilla mixed into one.

If this is my normal, I think I may actually like it. It’s kind of like an out of body experience. Anyway, to get to my point, 2017 is shaping to be a good year and I am looking forward to the feeling of not knowing what is coming next. I also just got my eyebrows done so new year, new job, new eyebrows and a new man! And probably a new wine problem, but meh.

P.S The photo might look cute but I’m not facing the camera because I was a tomato #unfitasf

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