Summer 2018/2019: The Summer I actually had some time off.

Summer is nearly over in NZ, which makes me really sad! Summer is my favourite season, I am one of those people that live for it. I know some people don’t like being too hot, but I find it so much easier to be too hot rather than too cold! Maybe it’s my bad circulation lol.

I had a pretty good summer, thanks to not being in retail and actually having some time off for once. Here are some of the highlights, in the form of photos of course (because, lazy.) Scroll over for the captions!

Things I loved this Summer

I thought I would share some things I loved this summer with you guys. I have to say, there’s definitely a common theme, mostly cooling sprays because, well, heatwaves.

So here is my list!

  • Ecoya Summer Cherries and Peach candle: I got this just before Christmas and have already burnt through most of it. It smells so damn good, I’m not normally a “sweet” candle kind of person but bloody hell, it’s like summer in a candle.


  • Ora Aromatherapy Positivity Spritzer: Ora Aromatherapy is one of my favourite local companies! I got this from the Little Big Markets at Mount Maunganui and my favourite way to use it is to spray it over the bed linen after I have done my weekly clean! Makes the house smell amazing and sooo summery.

Ecoya Summer Berries and Peach Candle, Ora Aromatherapy Positivity Spritzer and Instax Mini 9 Polaroid camera.


RUBY 2019 dairy

  • My RUBY 2019 diary: I love me some organisation. I love diaries that have a whole page for one day, especially since I am always writing everything down so I don’t forget it. I also may have just brought it because it is blue.


  • Herbivore After Sun Spray: I’ve got sunburnt more times than I am proud of this summer. I definitely need to be more careful but this stuff has been amazing! I have pretty much gone through my first bottle already so I will definitely be getting more. It’s lovely even when you aren’t a sunburnt idiot like me! I ended up it using even just to rehydrate my skin after a day outside.

Herbivore After Sun Spray

  • Instax Mini 9 Polaroid camera: Dom got me this before I went to Melbourne last year, and I have used it so much. It is such a cool way to save memories, and despite the film being really expensive, it has been the best present ever!


  • Skin Kitchen Watermelon toner: This spray doesn’t smell how I thought it would but I love it, it’s so refreshing and perfect for freshening up during the day.


  • Urban Decay Beached bronzer in Sun-Kissed: I couldn’t find this in New Zealand so I was stoked when I managed to pick this up in Aussie! This is best bronzer of summer for sure, and it’s the perfect natural tone for me. I am always covered in bronzer, mostly because I end up with a horrific patchy tan and have to even it out some way or another.


  • MAC Faux lipstick: MAC lipsticks are always amazing and Faux is my go-to. It matched my hair when I dyed it pink so that’s why it was a favourite (not pictured because it was in my handbag in my car, and I couldn’t be bothered going outside lol.)


I think that pretty much sums it up! Although summer is officially over here, it’s still bloody hot which is good because I am in denial as I am every March.

Happy Autumn!

New Years Resolutions; Hopefully Ones I Will Actually Stick To.

Despite the fact 2018 was absolute shit, I did actually manage to tick off some of my New Year resolutions! I got a new job, and I left the country for the first time. I am definitely one for realistic goals, if I set too many or too greater ones (like losing weight or saving millions of dollars), I never accomplish them. So, here are my realistic goals for 2019.


  1. Read a book a month. I have so many books to read, I need to do it! I used to read a lot, so there is no excuses.
  2. Try and keep up the healthy eating. I am coeliac, so already gluten free, but this year I want to focus on being more balanced with my eating. That is, less chocolate, more vegetables. We will see how long that lasts.
  3. I definitely want to go back to Kickboxing! I did for ages when I was younger and I definitely want to get into it again.
  4. I am starting my Real Estate Licence in January when I go back to work so my goal is to complete by July! I kind of have to achieve this one, or it is a massive waste of money and time.
  5. And finally, a realistic money goal! My money goal for this year is to not buy as much crap I don’t need. This should help me save a bit more money, since I have pretty much saved nothing since my big spend up in Melbourne. I also want to try only buy my lunch at work once a week, rather than every day. I guess I will just have to be more organised, and less lazy!


I like to think those are pretty realistic goals! I guess I’ll see by the end of 2019 if I actually stuck to them or not. At least now I am being held accountable for them!

Happy 2019! Please let it be better than last year.